Blogmas Day 21 | We Are All God’s Children

“Everyone Is created equally. Only humans find a way to make things unjust.”

Hey Guys, Albert Ibay here! There’s only 3 days more before Christmas Eve! Aren’t you guys excited? I could say that where I am right now I don’t really feel the Christmas spirit around. It seems I’m one of the very few who’s actually employing the spirit of Christmas.

One thing about Christmas though Is people usually love it because of the gifts they receive. One thing people seems to forget is that its when Jesus was born. I know its a Pagan Holiday and we don’t really know when Christ was born but its more of a symbol. A symbol to help us remember our savior Jesus Christ.

We always receive. Sometimes we give. One thing to point out though is the Children without a home. We surround ourselves, with people neglecting others. We were told a story before Christmas break started. Its about people giving only to those with the same or higher status than them but the poor and the weak was neglected. The only ones who gave to the poor was a family who was poor as well. Then that family was rewarded with blessings for their acts of kindness. We have to learn to give. Not only to those we know but to everyone. Remember Jesus didn’t come for the right the strong or anything of that matter he came for the weak, the poor and the sick.

In the past few days we were all touched by this song. Its the song we’re going to do in our performance at Christmas. The performance is all about on what would happen if Mary and Joseph was about to give birth but had no place to stay at our time. Will anyone open a door for them? Or neglect them. This is a song that might make you guys think.

Do you see these children on the streets?
Have you walked the pavements where they sleep?
Do you feel their hands when you give them alms?
Did you ever give them bread to eat?
Have you seen their homes washed by the floods?
While a mother tightly holds her child
Do you hear the wind of the raging storm?
Can you tell them where it’s coming from?
Let us show our love and mercy
With true kindness and humility
For the God loves the weak and the needy
Just like you and me
We are all God’s children we are all the same
He is calling us by name to help the poor and lame
And learn what life is really for
It’s to know and love and serve the Lord

Stand together and let’s do our part
Hear their voices mend their broken hearts
Choose to be brave fight for their rights
Give them back their honor and their pride
Please do not be blind and just leave them behind
To struggle in darkness or give them empty promises
We are all God’s children we are all the same
He is calling us by name to help the poor and lame
And learn what life is really for
It’s to know and love and serve the Lord
It’s to know and love and serve the Lord
It’s to know and love and serve the Lord

Remember all of us has a place in this world but we are all equal. We are all god’s children and we will stay that way.

We must remember to be good as we must remember this lines from the bible.

“Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” Revelations 22:11

May you be a believer or not we must live by a  principle a principle of kindness and goodness. I am not worthy to say this words for I may self is a sinner but I believe in the lord and all that is righteous

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